Setle is an online platform which lets users trade digital files and payment. Setle provides a solution to issues with late and non-payment often faced by members of the Gig Economy. On Setle, users can create and share project agreements, transfer files, review them and communicate, and complete the delivery with a payment. Users can both deliver files for payment or request files to be delivered to them. Setle provides security and transparency during the process through standardized agreements, paywall preventing unauthorized downloads, automatic watermark on files and a downloadable log of all interactions between users during a given transaction.
Daniel is a media strategist focused on efficiency enhancements of products and services both within and outside of the media sector. He is the Founder and CEO of Setle, an online platform which lets users trade digital files for payment. In the past, Daniel worked as a freelance producer and videographer as well as creative director at a photography studio.